March 24, 2025

En Español

Cómo la Casa Blanca ignoró la orden de un juez para dar vuelta los vuelos de deportación

La administración Trump dijo que ignoró una orden judicial para dar vuelta dos aviones con supuestos miembros de pandillas venezolanas porque los vuelos estaban sobre aguas internacionales. La decisión de la administración de desafiar la orden de un juez federal es extremadamente rara y altamente controvertida. “La orden judicial fue desobedecida. El primero de muchos, como he estado advirtiendo, y el comienzo de una verdadera crisis constitucional”, escribió el abogado de seguridad nacional Mark S. Zaid, crítico de Trump, en X, añadiendo que Trump podría ser finalmente destituido. La Casa Blanca da la bienvenida a esa lucha. “Esto llegará a la Corte Suprema. Y vamos a ganar”, dijo un alto funcionario de la Casa Blanca a Axios.

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House Democrats try to move North Carolina’s minimum wage closer to a living wage

Democrats in the North Carolina legislature are attempting to raise the state’s minimum wage which has not been increased in over 15 years. Representatives Allison Dahl (D-District 11), Aisha Dew (D-District 111), Bryan Cohn (D-District 32), and Marcia Morey (D-District 30) filed House Bill 353, titled the “Fair Minimum Wage Act”, would not just raise the minimum wage once but continue to raise it as time goes on. 

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“Dooming a lot of us to early deaths”: North Carolinians Fear Republicans’ Proposed Medicaid Cuts

About 3 million North Carolina residents — one in four —  receive health coverage through Medicaid, a figure that includes the more than 640,000 people who received coverage through the state’s Medicaid expansion program starting in Dec. 2023. Under state law, North Carolina’s Medicaid expansion program would end should federal funding for the program drop below 90%, cutting off access to the 640,000 North Carolinians who’ve gotten coverage under the expansion. 

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North Carolina Gov. Josh Stein Outlines Robust Policy Agenda in First State Address

The theme of Stein’s speech was “North Carolina Strong,” a motto the newly elected governor has used to rally North Carolinians who are in the midst of a hurricane rebuild, rising costs, and deep federal funding cuts. He recognized several honored guests from across the state, leaders in fields such as education and law enforcement that Stein believes have embodied his view of “North Carolina Strong.”

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North Carolina Veterans Call on Courts to Protect Military Voters

“Protect the legitimate ballots cast by over 65,000 North Carolinians, including those of our fellow service members and military families – we’re urging the North Carolina Court of Appeals to step up with us to protect the rule of law, to protect the rights of our fellow citizens and their desire to participate in our democracy and to protect our Constitution.”

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Amid VA cuts, North Carolina Veterans rally against Trump administration

Days after the Trump administration announced plans to cut funding and jobs from the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans across the country joined together to rally against the attack on the crucial federal agency. According to PBS, these cuts come at a time when veterans’ healthcare needs are increasing, hundreds of VA centers are facing staff shortages, and approximately 400,000 veterans are uninsured.

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