Gun Violence Impacts Another NC High School Football Game

Source: News & Observer

Gun violence is on the rise at high school football games, and its worrisome trend is impacting several local high schools. 

Friday night lights have been marred by the ever-increasing presence of guns at football games. According to K-12 School Shooting Database, since the school year started, there have been at least 16 high school football gun violence incidents; with 10 school shootings happening in North Carolina.

Last month, a shooting occurred at Lumberton High School’s parking lot during a Friday night football game.

In just the last few weeks, police arrested several non-students found with guns during a Statesville High School’s football game.

“I find it disheartening that even the sanctity of community under Friday night lights is threatened by the escalating hate in our society,” Iredell-Statesville Schools Superintendent Jeff James said in a statement. “I hate it for our fans, students, and community that we could not finish the game.”

Increased gun violence at high school football games comes as Republican-led legislatures have passed laws to loosen gun restrictions.

Following the deadly mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, elementary school last year, 25 states passed laws allowing individuals to carry a handgun with no permit. In North Carolina, state Republicans voted on a dangerous pistol permit repeal less than 48 hours after the Nashville school shooting.

According to a survey from Third Way, a strong majority of North Carolinians believe there is a need for action on gun regulations – with 73% of North Carolina voters agreeing that it is too easy to obtain a gun in America.

Read more at The News & Observer.


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