Despite public concerns, NC Republicans look to bring Musk’s DOGE to state government

Taking a cue from President Trump and billionaire Elon Musk, Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina are beginning to probe state agencies. 

Republicans have been in full control of state government spending in North Carolina for the last 14 years. However, the allegations of fraud and waste made by Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, have grabbed the attention of conservative politicians. 

House Speaker Destin Hall (R-Caldwell) has formed a “government efficiency” committee of his own — tasked with identifying “potential waste” and examining “excess” state property. That panel has yet to formally meet, but House Republicans have begun its work through the House Oversight Committee. 

Last month, the House Oversight Committee summoned several top state government leaders to testify under oath about their offices’ work. While Republicans celebrated the elimination of DEI initiatives and the work of DOGE, Democrats were skeptical. “I don’t know anybody who’s excited about DOGE,” said Rep. Zack Hawkins (D-Durham), whose district has already been hit by layoffs at companies and nonprofits funded by federal grants that Trump has halted.

NC Democrats say Trump cuts threaten pre-K funding, teacher jobs, and disaster relief.

More layoffs could come in the Triangle, especially if Trump’s plan to cut billions of dollars in medical and scientific research grants from the National Institutes of Health — currently held up in court — is allowed to be implemented. Duke University in Durham is one of the country’s biggest recipients of NIH grant funding, with many jobs funded by grants totaling hundreds of millions of dollars each year. It’s also the second-largest private employer in the state. 

During February’s hearing, Rep. Brian Echevarria (R-Cabarrus) echoed the Republican majority’s sentiment that “obviously, everyone is excited about DOGE”. However, national polling tells a different story. 

While Americans are supportive of federal cost-cutting measures, they’re less thrilled with Musk and the way he’s going about it. Fifty-three percent oppose Musk’s leadership of DOGE; more than two-thirds of respondents said they think the wealthy are making money off their White House connections; more than half oppose a federal hiring freeze; and nearly two-thirds oppose shuttering the Department of Education.

Rep. John Torbett (R-Gaston) said that the House Select Committee on Government Efficiency has yet to announce its first major efforts, but plans to do so soon.


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