Federal Judges Allow Griffin’s Ballot Challenge Against 65,000 NC Voters to Stay in State Courts

On Tuesday, a panel of federal judges issued an order for Republican candidate Jefferson Griffin’s challenge of more than 60,000 votes cast in the NC Supreme Court race to stay in state court.

For now, state courts will get the first crack at Griffin’s controversial ballot challenge, but depending on the outcome, the case could go before a federal court. 

According to NC Newsline, Griffin wanted the case heard in state court, as Republicans hold a majority on the state Court of Appeals and have a majority on the state Supreme Court.

In recent weeks, reports have discovered that the spouses of two state Republican Supreme Court justices were top donors to Griffin in his race to join the court. 

Amid these reports, Democrats and voters impacted by Griffin’s challenge have renewed calls for him to concede. 

“Griffin’s attempt to undermine voters is not just far-fetched, it’s dangerous and threatens lasting damage to our state if successful,” wrote Deborah Dicks Maxwell, president of the N.C. State Conference of the NAACP, in a recent editorial piece

“Having lost, he now wants a “do-over” of his election. Not just any “do-over,” but one under a different set of rules, carefully crafted by his lawyers to ensure the outcome would come out in his favor..This is unprecedented in modern-day elections.”

Democrats have condemned Griffin’s latest attack against military servicemembers who voted overseas – increasing the number of ballots the Republican is attempting to erase to over 65,000. 

“Judge Griffin and his allies want to silence them, to strip them of the fundamental rights that they have fought, and are continuing to fight to defend,” Senator Val Applewhite said during a press conference on Wednesday.

The Wake County Superior Court is expected to review Griffin’s claims on Friday.


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