“He Went From Courting My Vote To Trying To Throw It Out:” Meet The Voters Impacted By Jefferson Griffin’s Legal Challenges

As Jefferson Griffin’s shameless campaign to disenfranchise over 60,000 legal voters trudges on, impacted North Carolinians have started speaking out. With reactions ranging from disbelief to disgust, voters are working to raise awareness of Griffin’s attempts to overturn the results of a legitimate election. 

The impacted voters are military veterans and retired school teachers, election judges and elected officials, Republicans and Democrats in all 100 North Carolina counties. Griffin alleges that these voters had incomplete registrations– a claim that Republican NC Supreme Court Justice Richard Dietz called “almost certainly meritless.” 

You can meet several of the impacted voters here, 11 people who are speaking out in an effort to illustrate how damaging and unfounded Griffin’s legal challenges are. They include a Winston-Salem attorney, a Durham community organizer, an experienced physician, and other frequent voters and longtime North Carolinians. People who do their research, who help their communities get registered to vote, who haven’t missed an election since they were eligible to vote– all at risk of having their ballots invalidated. 

Many of the voters are unaffiliated. One of them, Mary Miller James, shared that she’s the daughter of a former RNC Chairman who at the height of his career was nominated to serve as Barry Goldwater’s running mate in the 1964 presidential election. Voting is important to Mary. It runs in her blood. It’s why she hasn’t missed a single of the last 33 elections. But her ballot is still being challenged by Griffin as illegitimate. 

Another unaffiliated voter, Matt O’Connell, described the irony in Griffin’s antics: “He was courting my vote as an independent voter during the campaign, but now that he’s lost the election, he’s trying to get my vote thrown out.” 

Need to check if your vote is being challenged? Visit TheGriffinList.com, a search tool where you can view the entire list of 60,273 legal North Carolina voters whose ballots are at risk of being tossed.  

Want to help uphold the will of the people? You can donate to Riggs’ legal fund here. 


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