Impacted voters speak out against Jefferson Griffin’s ‘desperate’ attempt to change election results

Source: Editorial Board

Several voters targeted by losing Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin’s baseless challenge of 60,000 ballots spoke out Tuesday morning at a press conference in front of the state Supreme Court. 

“Jefferson Griffin and the GOP do not actually want to make this election safe and secure. They want to throw out enough ballots as it will take to declare a victory. It’s desperate, and it’s not where state officials should be directing their energy,” said Gabby Chiarenza, a Wake County voter whose ballot has been challenged.

Chiarenza said when she received notice that her ballot was being challenged, she called the Wake County Board of Elections to rectify any possible errors on her part. According to Chiarenza, the Board told her she had done nothing wrong and they had no problem verifying her identity. 

“This is a non-violent version of January 6th,” said Melissa Price Kromm, executive director of North Carolina for the People. Kromm’s daughter Ella, who lives overseas and votes through a UOCAVA ballot, is one of the challenged voters.

Dr. Kimberly Hardy, Second Vice Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, and a former candidate for office herself, is also being targeted by Griffin. “I have been on the losing side of an election and it is hurtful. But what’s more hurtful is when people decide that they are going to eschew the process…and cling to power,” Hardy said

“It’s a pathetic act of desperation. It’s a political temper tantrum that is expensive and it is exhausting. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars and it’s wasting our time,” Hardy continued

Just a few hours after the press conference, the Board of Elections announced its second – and final – recount, and once again declared that Allison Riggs won the race.

At Tuesday’s press conference, North Carolina Democratic Party chair Anderson Clayton implored Griffin to end his efforts. “Instead of challenging 60,000 voters with baseless claims, Jefferson Griffin needs to do the right and honorable thing and concede now,” she said.


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