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Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Had Hundreds Of Secret Meetings Last Year

Reporting from the NC Watchdog Reporting Network revealed the 2021 calendars of several North Carolina public officials, including Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. The documents were requested by the Reporting Network for Sunshine Week, an annual celebration of open government. 

Brooks Fuller, an attorney who runs the N.C. Open Government Coalition, said, “we want to know what public officials and representatives of the people of North Carolina do with their time, and so one of the ways that we can find that out is by looking at how they build their calendars and how much time they spend on different aspects of their public works.” 

This begs the question – what was Lt. Governor Mark Robinson doing in 2021? It is hard to tell because the calendar Robinson’s office released contains more than 270 redactions. The large, black boxes are present throughout the documents and in some instances conceal his calendar for an entire day.
Robinson is the highest ranking Republican in North Carolina and has said that he is 95% sure that he is running for Governor in 2024. North Carolinians deserve to know what their Lieutenant Governor is doing and why he is hiding it from his constituents.


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