‘Mo Wants to Know’: New NC Superintendent Schedules Listening Sessions Across the State

Source: WFAE

North Carolina’s new Superintendent of Public Instruction Mo Green has announced that he has planned a number of listening sessions throughout the state. Green succeeded Republican incumbent Catherine Truitt, after defeating Republican challenger Michele Morrow in the November election.

After being sworn into the position on Jan. 1, Green released his “entry plan” which includes a series of listening sessions running from January to March. These sessions are meant to be a way to hear feedback/input from educators, parents, and other educational leaders. 

Green previously served as the superintendent of Guilford County Schools, North Carolina’s third-largest school district, for seven years. During his swearing in ceremony, Green shared his aspiration to be an advocate for public schools in his new role.

“I also intend to use this platform to remind us that being a public school educator is a noble profession, one that must be revered,” he said. He went on to thank the public school teachers of North Carolina. “My appreciation for what public school educators have done or are currently doing and will do, is boundless. I thank you. I love you. I revere you.”

During the scheduled listening sessions, entitled “Mo Wants to Know,” Green will meet with leaders of public schools, charter schools, community colleges, and those within the UNC System. He also plans to speak with parents and guardians, including those who have chosen not to enroll their children in public schools. North Carolinians can also submit online comments and questions to the Department of Public Instruction.

Green expects to release a full strategic plan for the state’s public schools by June.


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