NC Republicans Push to Strip Power from Democratic Leaders—Again

For the second time in three months, North Carolina Republicans are advancing legislation to strip power from newly elected Democrats. 

This time, the NC GOP is targeting Attorney General Jeff Jackson, who has recently defended the state from the White House’s federal funding freeze, Elon Musk’s national data breach, and Trump’s attempt to end birthright citizenship

Senate Bill 58, proposed earlier this month, would prohibit the attorney general from making any legal argument that would invalidate an executive order issued by Trump.

While Senate Bill 58 is not yet law, Senate Bill 382, an even more severe piece of power grab legislation, did pass late last year. 

Presented by Republicans as a disaster relief bill for Western North Carolina, the legislation appropriated no new money for Helene recovery efforts but did make significant changes to elections, judicial appointments, and other processes to restrict Democrats’ influence in the executive branch. 

Democrats are involved in three separate lawsuits to block parts of SB 382. Gov. Josh Stein previously filed to block language in the bill that strips his jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol, as well as his power to appoint members to the Board of Elections.

Stein denounced the legislation, saying, “The people overwhelmingly made their choice for governor clear in the last election. I filed this lawsuit to ensure that their vote is respected, to restore balance to our state’s branches of government, and to put our constitution ahead of power grabs”.


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