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New mothers in NC can now receive expanded Medicaid coverage

Eligible new mothers in North Carolina on Medicaid can now receive 12 months of postpartum care, a large increase from the previous limit of 60 days. For one full year after delivery, eligible beneficiaries will be able to access full Medicaid benefits from doctors, OB/GYNs, health departments and rural health clinics for a variety of services. The services include mental and behavioral health care, dental services, vision and hearing services, and more

The extension came into effect on April 1st as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Women who are pregnant or give birth on or after April 1st are eligible for the benefits, as well as women who were pregnant or gave birth between February 1st and March 31st of this year. The extension was included in the North Carolina state budget approved in November 2021. 

The extended coverage is currently authorized for five years. The anticipated share of cost to the state is $50 million annually, which will be paid for through increased hospital assessments receipts. The federal government pays the remainder.
To see if you qualify for this extended coverage, you can check out this NC Medicaid Information sheet, and if you are not already enrolled in Medicaid, you can see if you qualify here.


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