“North Carolinians v Griffin”: Statewide Rallies Against Jefferson Griffin’s Power Grab

As Republican Judge Jefferson Griffin attempts to find new ways to throw out over 65,500 ballots, North Carolinians statewide are rallying to push back against this egregious act of voter suppression. 

The rallies, titled “The People v. Griffin,” are being held in 14 towns and cities across the state. 

Hosted by Common Cause North Carolina, the rallies over the President’s Day holiday will give impacted voters a chance to raise their voices and condemn N.C. Appeals Court Judge Jefferson Griffin’s effort to throw out 65,500 ballots cast in the November election.

Rallies will take place in various locations including Raleigh, Hillsborough, Apex, Greensboro, Charlotte, Salisbury, Asheville, Boone, Rutherfordton, Franklin, Greenville, Elizabeth City, Nags Head, Warrenton, Fayetteville, New Bern, and more. 

The statewide rallies come as voters were given a win when a Wake County Superior Court judge found the N.C. Board of Elections acted within state law and the N.C. Constitution when it rejected Griffin’s protests two months ago.

Despite the court acting to protect voter’s rights, Griffin has chosen to appeal the decision and is asking the North Carolina Court of Appeals to help toss out over 65,000 ballots. 

According to WUNC, Republicans dominate the Court of Appeals, holding 12 of 15 seats. Two of the judges, Valerie Zachary and Tom Murry have contributed to Griffin’s campaign

Democrats and impacted voters are demanding that Griffin and those who supported the campaign recuse themselves. 

For more info about the rallies, visit commoncause.org/north-carolina/griffin/

To confirm your attendance, visit mobilize.us/commoncause/event/753024/ 
Check here to see if you are among the 65,500 North Carolinians whose ballot is threatened by Griffin’s dangerous challenge.


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