Part of Cape Hatteras Beach Access Closed Due to Petroleum Contamination, Military Remnants

Source: WTVD

Approximately half a mile of beach near the Buxton beach access point on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore is closed off temporarily due to hazards. 

The National Park Service cites petroleum-contaminated soils (PCS) as the cause, as the beach adjacent to Buxton tested positive for PCS in September of 2023. Petroleum can have adverse effects on the environment and, consequently, wildlife and human health. The National Park Service stated that individuals who have been in the water in the impacted area have reported symptoms of headache, nausea and skin irritation. 

Additionally, due to coastal erosion, evidence of previous use of the beach has resurfaced and poses a danger to beachgoers. From the 1950s up until 2010, the Buxton Beach Access served as a military base for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. The erosion has exposed rebar, PVC and metal pipes, and metal fragments in the ground. 

Since a portion of the beach was occupied by the American military before 1986, it’s considered a Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), which is under the control of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Because of this, the National Park Service is working with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Coast Guard to remedy the PCS and remove exposed infrastructure. 

There is currently no established timeline for these efforts. Until the hazards are dealt with, the National Park Service recommends avoiding swimming, fishing, surfing or wading in the affected area. If your skin comes into contact with contaminated sediment or water, the National Park Service recommends thoroughly washing the area with soap and water.


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