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Republican NC Senate Candidate Stacie McGinn’s Involvement with Far-Right Extremist Organization Makes Her Unfit for Office

Source: Editorial Board

North Carolina’s 42nd Senate District is represented by Democrat Rachel Hunt, who is running for state lieutenant governor. The district covers southeastern Mecklenburg County including Mint Hill, Matthews, South Charlotte and Providence.

The two candidates running to take Hunt’s spot in the state Senate in Raleigh are Democrat Woodson Bradley, a small business owner and Mecklenburg County community leader, and Republican Stacie McGinn, a MAGA extremist, self-professed “Republican Party activist,” lawyer, and ex-bank executive who takes pride in her involvement with extremist groups.

Senate District 42 is considered a +2 Democratic district. Though redistricting has changed it, the population within the district’s current boundaries voted for President Joe Biden over Trump by more than six points in 2020.

McGinn’s views – such as being anti-abortion, anti-public education and anti-LGBTQ+ – are too extreme for SD-42.

Her support of (and ties to) extremist MAGA Republicans like Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, convicted felon Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop and Sen. Ted Budd, are not in line with the views of the constituents she would be serving. Most disqualifying, though, is McGinn’s involvement with the extremist far-right anti-government organization Moms for Liberty. The group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch, uses its “social media platforms to target teachers and school officials, advocate for the abolition of the Department of Education, advance a conspiracy propaganda, and spread hateful imagery and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community.” The organization also “opposes LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive school curriculum, and has advocated books bans.”

McGinn proudly advertises her connections with the group, including speaking at their events, telling voters she “collaborated with Moms for Liberty” to write the anti-LGBTQ+ “Parents Bill of Rights,” and posting celebratory photos of herself with the leader of the organization’s Mecklenburg County chapter.

McGinn has also described herself on Facebook as “anti-woke (including DEI and CRT)” and she is an advocate for private schools and the NCGOP’s extremely harmful “voucher” program that siphons taxpayer money away from public schools to put toward vouchers for wealthy families to use to send their children to private schools.

McGinn’s support for MAGA candidates, her far-right extremist group ties, and her support of anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-public education policies make her unfit to represent the voters of North Carolina’s 42nd Senate District.


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