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Surge Of North Carolinians Are Training To Support Abortion-Seeking Patients Post-Roe V. Wade

Source: Kaiser Health News

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, North Carolina abortion rights groups have seen an uptick in North Carolinians wanting to become abortion doulas. According to one local abortion group’s estimate, the state has 40 practicing doulas, with a possibility of the number growing by the year’s end. 

“It’s word of mouth. It’s people sharing ‘This is how I got through my abortion or miscarriage experience with the help of a doula.’ And someone being like, ‘That’s amazing. I need that. Or I wanna become that,'” stated Kat Lewis, a board member of the Carolina Abortion Fund, in an interview with WFAE.

Demand in the western part of the state has also increased, with the Mountain Area Abortion Doula Collective experiencing a surge of individuals seeking doula training. The training also includes learning about gender-inclusive language, the history of medical racism, and ways to support clients struggling with homelessness or domestic violence

North Carolina still remains the last safe haven for those seeking critical reproductive health care in the southeast.  According to The Washington Post, after abortion bans took effect in neighboring states, North Carolina saw a 37% increase in the number of abortions performed.

The continued protection of the crucial health care service could not be understated, yet as the new legislative session begins, state Republicans have already hinted at stripping away the vital freedom

Read more at Kaiser Health News


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