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This Spring Will Be North Carolina’s Loudest Since 1803


North Carolina residents, brace yourselves for a symphony of buzzing this spring! A once-in-a-lifetime event is unfolding underground – two separate broods of cicadas, Brood XIX and Brood XIII, are primed to emerge from their slumber at the same time. This is a rare event that hasn’t happened since 1803!

Cicadas, those insects known for their ear-splitting calls, have a unique life cycle. Most cicadas spend years, sometimes even decades, living underground as nymphs feeding on tree roots. Then, in a synchronized emergence triggered by prime soil temperatures, they erupt from the ground in massive numbers. This above-ground phase is all about mating and reproducing before they die off within a few weeks.

The rarity of this event lies in the cicadas’ specific life cycles. Different broods emerge after prime numbers of years – 13 or 17 years are common. So, for Brood XIX and Brood XIII to surface simultaneously is like two perfectly timed metronomes striking a beat together – something that hasn’t happened in North Carolina since 1803!

While the cicadas’ chorus might be disruptive, remember these are harmless creatures. They play a vital role in the environment by aerating the soil and providing a food source for birds and other animals. So, the next time you hear their buzzing, take a moment to appreciate this rare natural spectacle – a testament to the synchronized rhythms of the natural world.


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