Gov. Cooper Announces Program to Increase Internet Connectivity

Gov. Roy Cooper visited Charlotte recently to kick off closing the digital divide for people living in affordable housing thanks to an FCC Grant of $300,000, according to WBTV

The grant is part of the “Your Home, Your Internet” pilot program which is designed to increase enrollment and awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program among those receiving federal housing assistance. 

In partnership with Inlivian, the “Your Home, Your Internet” program will provide subsidies to help pay for internet as part of the Affordable Connectivity Program, which offers monthly discounts on internet service and a one-time discount of $100 to purchase a laptop, computer, or tablet. Inlivian provides housing solutions to those in the Charlotte area.

As the internet has become necessary for schoolwork, paying bills, and remote work, grants like this one are absolutely essential in empowering families living in affordable housing to ensure they can fully participate in the digital age. 

Read more from WBTV


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