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GOP NC Attorney General Candidate Dan Bishop Still Supports Mark Robinson Despite Posts Praising Slavery, Nazism

Source: Editorial Board

MAGA Rep. Dan Bishop, who is running for state attorney general, is one of the few Republicans who hasn’t tried distancing himself from Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson following CNN’s damning report regarding posts he made on a porn message board.

According to CNN’s investigation, between 2008 and 2012, Robinson posted on a porn forum called Nude Africa where he referred to himself as a “black NAZI,” wrote “I wish they would bring [slavery] back,” and made numerous comments containing disturbing sexual content.

While their efforts are in vain – because the Internet is forever – Republicans are frantically trying to distance themselves from Robinson by taking down social media posts praising him and, in some cases, refusing to acknowledge his candidacy.

Bishop is still standing proudly by Robinson. In April 2023, Bishop called Robinson “groundbreaking” and said, “I endorse his candidacy with everything I’ve got.” After Bishop began his state attorney general campaign, he said he wanted to be “part of Mark Robinson’s new majority.”

Bishop has come out swinging in defense of his friend, blaming Democrats and the media for finding the old porn forum posts.

Speaking at a recent Donald Trump rally in Wilmington, Bishop tried spreading disinformation by claiming that CNN and Democrats hacked Robinson to acquire his posting history.

Bishop told the rally crowd that Democrats hacked Robinson and then “rolled out a meticulously timed and coordinated character assassination, and then moved immediately to smear by association.” He added, “Their aim, they say, is to disgrace not just one but all Republican candidates, in the name of decency, they say.”

The next day, Bishop tweeted that he is “focused on winning the Attorney General’s race,” and that, “As a matter of law, any decisions about how to proceed in the Governor’s race rest solely with Mark and are between him and the people of North Carolina.” 

Given the chance, Bishop once again refused to rescind his endorsement of Robinson despite the barrage of embarrassing and damaging reports.

At the urging of Republicans, Robinson has now hired a law firm to investigate CNN’s report, despite the wealth of proof that connects Robinson to the posts.

To some, it may seem strange that Bishop continues to support Robinson despite his now-radioactive reputation, but it’s easier to understand when you consider the similarities between the two candidates’ beliefs.

Bishop is likely best known in the state as the architect of the hateful, embarrassing and economically disastrous House Bill 2 (the “Bathroom Bill”). Robinson has spoken out in support of bringing an HB2-style law back to the state.

Bishop tried to stop the certification of the 2020 election and – the same as Robinson – is an election denier who thinks Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Bishop supports “election integrity” measures, including voter ID and cracking down on non-existent voter fraud.

Bishop voted against impeaching or convicting Trump for inciting an insurrection, which he called “the worst example of an insurrection in the history of mankind” during a House floor speech against creating a Jan. 6 commission. Robinson said that Trump’s four-count indictment for trying to steal the 2020 election is “a big joke.”

Bishop opposes guaranteeing access to contraception and, like Robinson, also supports legislation that bans abortion from the moment of conception and forces impregnated victims of rape and incest to give birth to their attacker’s child.

If a voter is deterred from supporting Robinson because of his views and policy platform, they should be just as turned off by the entire Republican slate on our ballot. All of the candidates put forward by the state GOP are cut from the same MAGA extremist cloth.


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