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Local Parents Rally Against Discriminatory Don’t Say Gay Law

Source: NC Newsline

Several school districts are still weighing in on the implementation of Parents’ Bill of Rights, also known as North Carolina’s Don’t Say Gay law. While school officials across the state work on policy revisions, North Carolinians and local groups are condemning the enforcement of the controversial law. 

The law, introduced by state Republicans, erases lessons about gender identity, and sexual orientation, and threatens educators with disciplinary action if they refuse to out students to their parents.

One group,  the Asheville-based Campaign For Southern Equality, is urging school districts to not follow the discriminatory law as it violates a federal law that bars discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

“The harmful provisions of S.B. 49 (Senate Bill 49) discussed above make it harder for educators to teach and for students to learn by casting a pall over the schoolhouse,” the Campaign For Southern Equality states in a memo. “In doing so, these provisions violate Title IX. Accordingly, schools receiving federal educational funding in North Carolina cannot comply with these pernicious and dangerous portions of S.B. 49.”

During a recent school board meeting, Asheville parents and community members spoke against the blatant target towards the LGBTQ+ community and forcing children who aren’t ready for that step to come out to their parents.

“Our lawmakers are asking you to pretend that SB49 addresses a faceless topic. You’re looking at one of the faces,” stated Allison Scott, director of impact and innovation for Campaign for Southern Equality and a parent of an Asheville City middle schooler, during the school board meeting

Parents also raised the concern that the Parents’ Bill of Rights would create a conflict between families and school staff.

“Teachers are not the enemy. We are not in a culture war against public schools,” stated Christina Mason, a local parent, during the meeting. “They (teachers) work late, they pay for classroom supplies out of pocket, and they plan amazing field trips. We’re on the same team.”


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