N.C. State Alum ‘Swiss’ Up The Competition In England

Source: News & Observer

Just when you thought 2022 has shown you everything it has to offer, you don’t know “Monterey jack” at all. Yep, that was a cheese reference and there are more cheesy lines to come. I promise you that “Cheese Wiz” ain’t got nothing on me. Try to “Muenster” your way through this. 

Now I’ve heard of Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling but never paid any attention to it. For those that don’t know, it’s an annual event that takes place in Gloucester, England. The concept is simple: roll down the hill behind a wheel of cheese with the winner being the person that crosses the finish line first. People rolling down a hill behind the “Cheddar” didn’t seem too exciting to me until North Carolina State University graduate Abby Lampe brought home the championship to Johnston County.  

Lampe, wearing her N.C. State sweater, stood in a tight line one by one with about a dozen other contestants. At this moment I’m thinking of a pack of “sandwich cheese” from the grocery store and how tightly grouped those slices are, but back to the story. The official launched the wheel of cheese and Lampe sprinted out the gate. Rumbling and tumbling her way down this 200-yard steep hill in the English countryside, Lampe started to drift off horizontally but quickly corrected course to cross the finish line as your 2022 champion and leaving her competition feeling all “bleu” inside. 

After winning, word quickly spread throughout the United States of Lampe’s victory with her roll to the championship going viral. As a reward, Lampe got a nine-pound cheese wheel as her trophy and free beers from the local pubs. That sounds like a time worth rolling for in my book. Winning the downhill race was a life dream according to Lampe and the N.C. Voices team supports those that pursue their dreams.

There’s not enough “Gouda” in the world for which I would do this, but congrats to Abby for a job well done! It is worth noting while inflation continues to impact the price of food, Lampe has nine pounds of “Abondance” in Johnston County. Honestly, I’m not quite sure what kind of cheese it is but maybe she will share a slice with us. Congrats Abby Lampe and thank you for showing the fine people in England how “American Cheese” rolls.


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