NC restaurants and chefs are in the running for the “Oscars of Food” James Beard Awards

 The James Beard 2022 semi-finalists have been announced. North Carolina usually has a healthy representation among the semi-finalists, and this year is no different. Establishments and chefs in Asheville, Durham, Raleigh, and Charlotte have all been named.

Outstanding Bar Program – Alley Twenty Six in Durham

Outstanding Restaurant – Chai Pani in Asheville 

Best Emerging Chef  – Cleophus Hethington, chef at Benne on Eagle in Asheville

Outstanding Hospitality – Cúrate in Asheville 

The best chef in the Southeast award finalist list includes several from North Carolina:

  • Katie Button of Cúrate in Asheville
  • Gregory Collier of Leah & Louise in Charlotte
  • Cheetie Kumar of Garland in Raleigh
  • Ricky Moore of Saltbox Seafood Joint in Durham

This is the first time in two years that the awards are being offered, as The James Beard Foundation opted not to present awards in 2020 and 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about diversity.

The James Beard Award winners will be announced during a gala on June 13 at the Lyric Opera of Chicago.


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