New Report Shows North Carolina Has Cleanest Air in Decades

Source: CBS 17

A new report by the American Lung Association shows  North Carolina air particle pollution levels are low, and the North Carolina Division of Air Quality says that the state’s air is the cleanest it’s been in decades. 

“We are seeing less pollution in the ambient air that we’re monitoring,” spokesperson Shawn Taylor said. This improvement is likely due to emissions reductions from cleaner cars and trucks.

However, there are some mixed results for air quality. Ozone and smog levels have increased in some areas, raising concerns for public health as ozone can irritate and damage the lungs. The report also found that while there are still some days with high ozone levels, the number of these days has decreased. 

“Dirty air is a dangerous public health issue. It causes people to suffer immediate and potentially fatal medical problems.” said Danna Thompson, advocacy director for the American Lung Association in North Carolina. 

Clean air is essential for human health. It helps to reduce the risk of respiratory problems, heart disease, and stroke. It can also improve cognitive function and mood. People can further limit their exposure to ozone by reducing outdoor activity during peak ozone hours.


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