The Race for NC Labor Commissioner: MAGA Extremist Luke Farley Would Fight for Corporations, Not Workers

Source: Editorial Board

Luke Farley is the Republican nominee for North Carolina Commissioner of Labor and after learning more about him you will likely wonder why he’s even interested in such a position.

His views are so extreme that the North Carolina Chamber – a conservative, pro-business organization – warned soon after he got the nomination that a candidate like him would harm the state’s business reputation. The group has since recanted their statement, realizing that he’s the only candidate running that is likely to do their pro-corporation bidding.

Farley was called a “polarizing, populist” by the Chamber and has also been described as a “Trump-inspired politician” who subscribes to the extremist MAGA mindset and keeps the company of other far-right state politicians like Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and state Rep. Keith Kidwell.

Having someone with Farley’s beliefs in charge of North Carolina’s workers should be a terrifying thought for all voters whose jobs or livelihoods could be impacted by the person elected labor commissioner.

It should be no surprise that, despite running to represent millions of our state’s workers, Farley is anti-worker, anti-union, anti-minimum wage, against COVID-19 mandates of any kind and is even opposed to federal heat safety regulations for workers. 

North Carolina has the second-lowest unionization rate in the U.S. It would remain that way should Farley win in November. He has said that having a minimum wage (not raising it, just having one at all) “does more harm than good,” rejected even the idea of an endorsement from the AFL-CIO, and told The News & Observer that “nothing should be done to increase unionization in our state.”

Farley also believes that employers, such as farm owners, should not have any responsibility for keeping their employees safe from the heat and unsafe working conditions. Similarly, he was, and still is, opposed to any COVID-19 safety mandates and has vowed to “fight against any attempt to bring back those failed policies.” He thinks work safety is only the responsibility of the employee and never the employer.

Farley doesn’t hide his belief that the role of government is not to help but to stand idly by and do nothing until it’s necessary to quash people’s freedom should the need to do so arise. Farley has campaigned with Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who has threatened to shoot “the government” with “AR-15s” should it “get too big for its britches.” 

Like Robinson, Farley does not support elective abortion “under any circumstances” and is anti-LGBTQ+, saying that he is strongly opposed to same-sex marriage and that no government should have the power to change the definition of marriage from only being between a man and a woman. Farley has said he is proud to be the most conservative candidate on the ballot and that he wants to elect conservative leadership up and down the ballot in November.

Farley also leans into his love of Trump and the MAGA movement. One of his campaign slogans is to “Make Elevators Great Again,” a play on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” and also a nod to former Republican Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry, who was known as the “Elevator Lady” to many North Carolinians and served in her position for 20 years (Berry has endorsed Farley). He also has posted pictures of himself on social media with Lara Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and – weirdly – a cardboard cutout of Trump that he brought to a rally in Greensboro. He has also “liked” posts on social media that claimed Trump’s trials were “election interference.”

It’s a wonder that someone who cares so little about workers’ rights and safety would want to be the person who is supposed to be representing workers and have their best interests at heart. 

This November, North Carolinians will be presented with two vastly different candidates for Commissioner of Labor. Anti-worker MAGA extremist Luke Farley is up against Democrat Braxton Winston II

Winston served six years on the Charlotte City Council as an At-Large member and Mayor Pro Tem. He is also a member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Union and has been endorsed by a variety of organizations and lawmakers, including the AFL-CIO, North Carolina Association of Educators Great Public Schools Fund, Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic, U.S. Rep. Jeff Jackson (D) and U.S. Rep. Alma Adams (D).


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