When Will North Carolina See A Total Solar Eclipse Again?

Source: CBS-17 & NASA

The days leading up to the Great American Solar Eclipse 2024 saw many people making plans to witness history that doesn’t happen that often. Some people went as far as taking vacations from work and traveling to cities that have the best view of the solar eclipse. 

There are only two requirements for making this experience memorable, great weather and the proper glasses or some cereal box makeshift glasses to view a rare crossing between the sun and the moon. But you may ask yourself, when is the next solar eclipse?

For the answer look to the moon and skies or you can just Google it. No worries because the next solar eclipse is in Spain in August 2026. Yep, plan now and get the best flights but remember it’s all about the weather. If flying halfway across the world is not your thing then maybe hanging out in the Dakota’s is.

The next solar eclipse will be in August of 2044 in North and South Dakota. Sounds like a great reason to visit that part of the country, don’t you think? The next total eclipse is a year later and that track will cross the United States from Northern California and end in Florida. Expect Disney to be even higher in prices that weekend.  I’m sure Mickey and the gang will have an unforgettable party if DeSantis hasn’t exiled them by then. If traveling is not your thing then we have one more option for you.

If you rather wait for the next opportunity in North Carolina here’s the information you’ve been waiting on. Go ahead and start booking your adventure-filled solar eclipse occasion for May 11, 2078. Yep, you have about 54 years to prepare for the big show. The path of totality will cover all of central and eastern North Carolina including the Triangle and Charlotte. Other cities like Atlanta, New Orleans, and Brownsville, Texas will be in the path of totality. 

So you have time to get your glasses ready and make your plans. Just make other plans if you are waiting for 2078. In the meantime brush up on what a Total, Annular, Partial, Hybrid, and Lunar Eclipse is from our space friends at NASA

Read more from CBS-17 here


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