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Hogar del Inmigrante: A Winston-Salem non-profit providing support to Latino Communities in the Triad

Since 2020, Hogar del Inmigrante has been working tirelessly to fill the gap in resources for Hispanic and Latino communities in the Triad. So far, the non-profit has helped more than 3,000 families in need.

Executive Director Connie Velez Trejo was led to start the non-profit when she noticed that Hispanic and Latino families in the Triad needed assistance. She became aware of this when she worked in the school system.

Trejo told Fox 8 in an interview, “ I was…the only person that was bilingual in those times… so all the Hispanic population asked me, “Oh Ms. Connie please, help me to do this, help to do that.”” 

Through the help of her nonprofit, Hogar del Inmigrante, Trejo has been doing just that; helping everyone she can. 

Hogar del Inmigrante strives to create a smooth transition for families who are entering the United States. Also, the non-profit has programs to assist youth, victims of domestic violence, and senior citizens.

As Latino Heritage month comes to a close, consider donating to Hogar del Inmigrante. Every little bit helps.


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