It’s time to leaf

Source: WRAL

It’s officially Fall season here in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Fair is upon us and we are excited. Just sitting here thinking about all that good looking forward to the food that will make me run to the gym the following week. We can’t forget the rides and games that drive people through the gates every year. 

It’s officially football season which equates to homecoming season for many colleges and universities so get those outfits in order. And finally the most obvious reason that its fall is because of the shorter and less hot and humid days. Add all of these things up and it can only mean one thing, leaves will be changing soon.

Depending on where you are in North Carolina you might be already seeing leaves change or it still looks like summertime around your way. Your reliable buddies at NC Voices are here to break down when those leaves will change near you. If you are a real fall color enthusiast then we will tell you a few places to go for those beautiful views and those social media photo memories. Clear your phone storage if you are running low and thank us later.  

If you live in the eastern part of the state you still have nearly a month left as leaves don’t begin to change east of Raleigh until November.  But if you are west of Winston-Salem in the mountains you might see changes already depending on your elevation and location. Leaves begin to change late September to mid-October with higher elevations like Grandfather Mountain, Mt. Mitchell and the Great Smoky Mountains are already seeing changes above 5,000 feet. 

In early to mid October elevations 3,000 to 5,000 feet will begin to see changes. Places like Boone, Blowing Rock, Beech Mountain and Sugar Mountain are the best places to capture those beautiful changes. We suggest driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway at this point. Stop in Little Switzerland while you’re at it. No passport needed.

If you really want to see a full show, wait until the end of October to see leaves changing 1,000 to 3,000 feet in places like Asheville, Appalachian Trail, Blue Ridge Mountains and Black Mountain. From personal experience I will make sure to watch nature’s beauty at one of Hendersonville’s many vineyards. Nothing like admiring the work of nature with a glass of wine and good company. Remember to drink responsibly my friends. Send us a bottle of apple wine please and thank you.

And finally if you don’t feel like taking a road trip to see the foliage, getting mountain energy and vibes, visit a nice vineyard or even go apple picking then stay right here in Central North Carolina and watch nature do her thing. Color change will happen in the first couple weeks of November in areas like Greensboro, Charlotte, Rocky Mount and east of the Triangle.   

Don’t wait too long because peak season will come fast and probably by December the leaves will be on the ground completing the circle of life. Just a reminder color change does not apply to all trees so do your homework before thinking leaves on a tree will change colors. For more information on fall leave changes and where to see the best views, visit Blue Ridge Mountain Life’s Fall Colors and Foliage Guide 2023.

Read more on leaves changing here.


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