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It Might Be A Gobble Of A Time Trying To Find A Bird This Year

Source: Fayetteville Observer, News & Observer

Supply chain shortages have become a normal part of everyday life since the start of the pandemic. If you can think of it then I’m pretty sure there is a shortage of it. Supply chain storages have impacted nearly everything imaginable from baby formula to Sony and Microsoft having to slow down the production of their latest video game system because of limited parts to build them. 

Well, our favorite dinner table item at Thanksgiving is not immune to this trend. Don’t worry sweet potato lovers there’s plenty of that to go around here. North Carolina grows plenty of them and is the top-producing state of the side-piece dish of holiday meals. If there ever is a shortage, have a safety plan in place. 

If you guess correctly on your second attempt we are talking about turkeys. Talk about a gobble of a time possibly not having a turkey at your dinner table. With supply chain shortages and the strain of the bird flu, turkey could be hard to come by, or you should at least be prepared to pay more than normal this year. Although North Carolina is the second largest turkey producer in the country we will feel the impact of supply chain shortages and illness. 

At least nine North Carolina turkey farms experienced impacts of the bird flu this past spring With losses of over 110 thousand turkeys and over 330 thousand chickens. A local Fayetteville sandwich shop called Fried Turkey Sandwich Shop has already experienced the impacts of the supply chain shortage impacting sales of their turkey sandwich. The restaurant had to make changes because only 60-70% of their turkey orders were being fulfilled according to owner Basil Hasapis.

“This one is significantly more serious than years past because there are so many shortages not related to the turkey itself,” Hasapis said. 

Luckily your home having turkey at Thanksgiving dinner is not a huge concern. The impact of this shortage could be felt by those in need as they depend on local food distributions who buy turkey in bulk to supply families. I’m sure leaders pardoning turkeys might not be as popular this year as in other years. 

To read more on the turkey shortage click here.


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