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More Than 250 Credible Threats Of School Violence Were Reported In NC This Year

Source:  News & Observer

The school safety tip line in North Carolina had more than 250 credible reports of planned attacks on schools since the start of this school year.

Last week the News & Observer reported that between Aug. 1, 2021, and May 31, 431 planned school attacks were reported on the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System. Out of all of those 254 rose to the level of being classified as “life safety tips” because a person had the means to carry out the threat.

Rising concerns about school violence have led lawmakers to require threat assessment teams at public schools to report any individual students who may be at risk of causing harm to themselves or others in order to provide help and support to those students.

Every North Carolina public school is required to have an anonymous reporting system for tips about a potential crisis such as school violence. Most district and charter schools use the “Say Something” system

There are three ways to submit an anonymous tip about a safety concern with your school, according to the website: 

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