North Carolinians speak out against Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s cruel comments on gun violence
Voters across the state are voicing their concern over Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s long history of disturbing comments regarding guns and mass shootings.
Voters across the state are voicing their concern over Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s long history of disturbing comments regarding guns and mass shootings.
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s 2024 gubernatorial campaign team has been able to prevent Robinson from showing up and stumbling through primary debates, but they weren’t able to prevent him from using a pro-Bidenomics company to try and attack the president and Democrats, the American Independent reported.
Since 2016, North Carolina Republicans have continued efforts to change the rules in their favor and undermine gubernatorial authority, with the latest state budget adding to the list.
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has officially vetoed two dangerous bills that were passed by Republican supermajorities in the legislature and focused on making it harder to vote and taking away powers from the governor.
The death of a migrant worker from Mexico at a Nash County farm on a near 100-degree day in early September is under investigation by the North Carolina Department of Labor – and it has a connection to a Republican state senator and her family.
US District Judge Catherine Eagles recently issued an order blocking two provisions of North Carolina’s new abortion ban from taking effect during an ongoing lawsuit. According to the Associated Press, nearly all the restrictions put forth by NC Republicans, such as the ban on abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy, are still in place and aren’t being specifically challenged at this time.
This year, Banned Books Week arrives amid a tumultuous time for communities, schools, and libraries fending off the ever-increasing right-wing campaign to remove books from shelves.
Late last month, the Republican-led General Assembly passed the state’s new $30 billion budget; leading to the long-awaited expansion of Medicaid and the controversial private school vouchers program.
North Carolina Republican leaders are gearing up to gerrymander the state’s congressional and legislative voting maps in their favor as they turn their focus from delaying the budget toward redistricting.
A few weeks ago we brought you the story of a cat custody battle between two owners in Kansas and North Carolina. When we left you we just knew this cat fight had been resolved. But there has been an added twist to the cross-state battle for our adventurous furry little friend. Bob was a stray cat found in Kansas by a family ten years ago. The family took him to the local vet in Kansas and no microchip was discovered so they decided to keep him.