North Carolina Earns “F” Grade In Meeting Youth Mental Health Needs
According to the 2023 Child Health Report Card, North Carolina is not adequately meeting the mental health needs of our state’s children.
According to the 2023 Child Health Report Card, North Carolina is not adequately meeting the mental health needs of our state’s children.
North Carolina Republicans filed their latest abortion restrictions with House Bill 533. The bill has been described as “disturbing legislation” designed “to control women’s bodies” by U.S. Rep. Kathy Manning and advocates.
The bill is titled Remove Barriers to Gain Access (RGB) Act and it would legalize abortion until viability, as outlined by Roe v. Wade. HB 439 would also abolish the 72-hour waiting period.
Gov. Roy Cooper signed the long-awaited Medicaid expansion bill into law, expanding much-needed health care coverage to more than 600,000 North Carolinians.
The overall goal of the HEART program is to limit potentially dangerous interactions with police, as well as connect Durham residents to mental health resources and follow-up care.
With state Republicans pushing forth abortion bans, medical professionals across the board have sounded the alarm surrounding the impact of erasing reproductive health care access.
As the NCGOP pushes for abortion bans, medical students are joining doctors and medical professionals across NC who are sounding the alarm about the harmful impact of erasing the crucial reproductive health care option.
The creation of this new unit of NCDPS comes at a time when Republicans in the General Assembly are working to weaken gun laws.
The 988 suicide prevention hotline, aimed at helping LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, is expanding its services by rolling out 24/7 text message and chat services amid a mental health crisis.
“Helping those who are hungry is always important, but right now it is urgent. We in the legal community here in North Carolina can make a real impact fighting hunger in our state,” stated AG Josh Stein.