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According to NC Republicans, “Separation of Church and State” Only Applies to Non-Christian Religious Groups

Historically, the Republican-controlled NC state legislature has included millions for fake abortion clinics in our state budgets, and after months of delays, the newly passed state budget for 2023-24 is no different. Nearly $26 million in funding is headed to a variety of religious organizations, including direct grants to specific churches as well as even more funding for fake abortion clinics often called “crisis pregnancy centers”. 

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Under Republican Leadership, ‘The Guardrails Are Off In North Carolina’

As a recent News & Observer editorial highlights, Republicans have relied on a strategic plan to dismantle democracy for decades. In North Carolina, Republicans have worked endlessly to disenfranchise voters across the state, with one judge ruling that an NCGOP voter ID law targeted “African-Americans with almost surgical precision” — making it harder for Black North Carolinians to vote. 

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Mysterious boom shakes homes and businesses but who’s to blame, USGS decides

It’s October and we all know it’s the month of spooky things, candy and our favorite horror movies. One thing for certain, North Carolina has a long history of spooky places along with weird occurrences that till this day can’t be explained. One of those unexplained events happened this month in the town of Hillsborough, which is about 40 minutes northwest of Raleigh. 

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