Party Switcher Tricia Cotham Hopes Voters Have Short Memory
Tricia Cotham’s party switch gave Republicans a supermajority in the North Carolina General Assembly and allowed them to override a series of Governor Cooper’s vetoes.
Tricia Cotham’s party switch gave Republicans a supermajority in the North Carolina General Assembly and allowed them to override a series of Governor Cooper’s vetoes.
El Proyecto 2025, una iniciativa que se perfila como un cambio drástico en la política migratoria, está empezando a tener un impacto significativo en cómo se abordan las deportaciones en el presente.
State Sen. Michael Lee has voted to restrict abortion rights seven times in the last several years. That’s despite campaigning on a promise to “oppose an extreme ban on abortion.”
“The very soul of public education is on the ballot and it’s going to take champions of public education to meet this moment,” Democratic candidate Mo Green said.
Republicans, from Trump to Mark Robinson, have been running away from their anti-choice records, hoping voters will overlook their controversial stance against reproductive rights.
Originally elected to the state House in 2020, Erin Paré is the lone Republican representing Wake County in the NCGA. Her political career has been marked by her support for legislation that focuses on right-wing culture war issues.
The Biden-Harris administration approved a plan under which NC will give hospitals additional Medicaid funds if they forgive the medical debt of approximately 2 million residents. The plan has the potential to relieve as much as $4B in medical debt from the last decade.
Desde que Kamala Harris fue anunciada como la candidata presidencial, la participación de los jóvenes Latinos en Carolina del Norte ha experimentado un notable aumento.
Despite running to represent millions of our state’s workers, Luke Farley is anti-worker, anti-union, anti-minimum wage, against COVID-19 mandates of any kind and is even opposed to federal heat safety regulations for workers.
Ruth Smith has been a personal injury attorney for more than 20 years and in 2016 expanded her practice to include conservative causes and organizations who often file lawsuits claiming “reverse racism” – discrimination against white clients.